Investment Consultating

Investment Consultating

Our aim is to connect serious investors and companies endeavouring to expand into foreign markets with attractive projects in construction and on the property market. We provide investment advice, management and coordination of activities of all involved entities across the private and public sector (state institutions and local governments) in order to obtain all permits necessary to carry out the project.

  • We focus on development projects and economically attractive real estate on the property market in line with the client's assigned parameters. For out clients, we provide due diligence of acquisition and preparation of all documentation to commence work on the project.
  • In construction, we ensure clients are connected with specific partners. For our clients, we secure a market section for a specific product, a partner to implement a project or partner to provide references necessary to successfully pass a tender.
  • We cooperate over the long term with partners in specific countries. These partners are prepared to provide all logistics on the local market.